Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Frosty's Great Cupcake 10k

Can I get a wha-wha!?!?

Mama got another outdoor SOLO run (AWESOME)!!! There was SUNSHINE in the Pacific Northwest and I took full advantage!! It was slightly cool, I wore my color run top for comfort.

I ran a familiar route with hills involved! Ouch!! I ran the entire time except for a walking interval at the 3 mile mark! And, the few times I stopped to wait at the crosswalks. I was that runner, not so patiently waiting, a little annoyed. Haha. You've been there, right?

I haven't received my medal yet but I was happy to tackle these miles off the treadmill and in the great outdoors!

Finished strong; 6.12 miles in 1:12:38!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a good run. Isn't the sun beautiful in the Pacnorthwest when it is out?!? I love it. -I hate having to stop at crosswalks/stoplights too. lol
