Friday, August 16, 2013


{Long Pause}..I've been moving forward going backwards, where I used to be.
Does that make sense?

a fitness journey will be never-ending, it's a lifestyle. 

FLASHBACK! I reached a BIG GOAL in February 2012, I weighed in right after Serena's FIRST Birthday at 147 lbs. 147 lbs y'all!!! I hadn't seen that number in years, since before getting married!!! It was a big deal, I was pretty dang proud, I busted my ass juggling a workout routine (my first round of Les Mills Pump & Running), with those 3 pretty little monsters, adjusting to our new home state, while he was on deployment. I.DID.IT!!

FAST-FORWARD! February 2013...a homecoming and into another deployment...ehh, let's just say 147lbs was no where in site. I pretty much gave up the scale in 2013. And, tried to start Les Mills Combat twice and failed at Turbofire after 4 weeks. I steadily began gaining [more] weight with the help of no Beachbody Routine, Fast-Food Eating & Drinking Rita's/Sangria. Yep, all that shit adds up! And, uhmmm,'s not fun! So, I fell down and then got up, fell down again and my ass isn't going back down. I learned my lesson, I had time to beat myself up (a few times), I still do, but I'm moving forward. Ain't nobody gonna hold me down, uh-oh, I've got to keep on

MAY! Another homecoming, a few half marathons, and I decided to get my ass back in gear!! I started the Les Mills Pump/Combat Hybrid and tried my hardest to stick to it!! I did have days where I fell off, got back up, and went in harder! Another routine I started was half-marathon training, an 8 week crash course. And, those 2 routines combined with a few other challenges along the way, got me closer to where I was!!

CHALLENGE! I'm not one who lives on the scale, I feel it, I see it. And, I've seen the progress happen. Towards the end of June, I said, goodbye to energy drinks (redbull, monster, rockstar) and coffee. I needed to challenge myself and it was tough!! I felt LESS bloated, I look less bloated. I learned new ways to energize my body. I learned that waking up at 4am to get my training runs done, was perfect for my schedule, it gave me energy and a much better mood for the day! It was also what I needed, I needed time all to myself, and I needed some peace in my heart. July was a pretty hard month, my dad's birthday month. I was running religiously, so I can find the time, to just be.

RESULTS! At the end of 12 weeks, I weighed in back to the 160s! I, obviously, do want to reach a healthy weight and ultimately want to see slimmer legs, arms, sculpted legs, arms. I want to see sculpted muscles, they want to be scene!! I'm still learning to fuel my body the right way, I'm still learning to eat healthier, and drink more water (So much toilet paper). I'm still learning and I'm embracing every ounce of progress along the way!!

There's no pill, no shake, no wrap, none of that sh*t, it's all about dedication, SWEAT, working your ass off, and making it happen. There are NO EXCUSES when you want it, you get after it! 

So, stop complaining, and stop talking about it it. Just go out there and do it!! Start a routine, (hey, get with Beachbody. Ask me!), strap your boobs into a supportive bra, lace up those walking/running shoes, PUSH PLAY/GET BUSY at home or walk/drive yourself to the gym!! just.keep.going.

Les Mills Pump/Combat Hybrid
12 weeks {May-Aug 2013}

"Don't wait to for inspiration to find you; BECOME IT!!"

Monday, July 29, 2013

Motivational Monday!

It's a new week. It's a new start. It's time to get busy on y'alls fitness goals!!

Tell me what you want, what you really, really, really want? Is it a slimmer waist? Leaner arms? Strong legs? Do you want to run? Lift?
Just get busy with whatever it is,...YOU ARE YOUR ONLY EXCUSE!! And, don't let a little sweat, soreness, or heavy-breathing stop you. Take a minute to recovery and just.keep.going. You will enjoy that adrenaline rush after it's done. buhh-lieveee me.

I got a rough 8 miler done last night, night. I know. I mentioned I was on the oh, so early [wake up at 4am & go] running routine but I had some heavy legs when I woke up. SO, I gave them more rest time before I got out there with my long run. It's the last week of the 8 Week Crash Half Plan, this was an awesome schedule. It kept me at low [3-4] miles during the week, I'm probably going to continue to run with it. It's taper week, can't wait to get out there for the Tacoma Narrow Half {13 in 2013}, number 5 for my road races this year. And, crossing over the Narrows bridge will be AMAZING!! It's one thing I can cross off my runners bucket list!! I'm still on the fence for the Port Gamble Half, just depends if we are out of town for the night.

 And, I'm on WEEK 11 of the Les Mills Hybrid. And, boy are they giving me the tough [longer] workouts in the final 2 weeks. I even added Jillian Michaels Shred-It with Weights [Kettle bell Routine] this morning. I definitely felt the burn. I won't see drastic results from this round but it did kick my ass into gear. Like any Beachbody program, you have to include healthy eating or their meal plans. I failed in that area, and I'm okay with that. {keeping it real} I'm staying focused with my original workout schedules and ending the year with a BAM!! For a good minute, I wanted to jump on the Focus T25 hype-wagon but decided to stay with my Turbofire/Les Mills Pump Hybrid. I've had Turbofire since last year and it's time I get busy with it. Also, adding 20lb plates to my collection for a bigger challenge during Les Mills Pump's REP EFFECT! Y'all want to learn more about BeachBody Programs, check out my site: Rosanna BeachBody Coach

I've been a busy pinner for the last couple of days; creating new boards, and pinning like it's my day job. I've got lots of good resources, ideas and tips to turn to. Anyone else a pinner crazy? Share your boards with me. I'm sure I'll re-pin from y'all!!

We're half-way through summer and I FINALLY got some events created for the MRTT Kids Fit Club!! SO, if you're reading this and are local, join in!! We have to take advantage of that sunshine while we still got it. Plus, we need to keep this kiddos active while having fun!!

Enough chit-chat, I have to go clear the disastrous office/craft area! And, remove all these floating toys out of my living room. Let Mama's cleaning frenzy begin.

Have a Fit & Fabulous Day Y'all!! Go get ir done.

"Don't wait to for inspiration to find you; BECOME IT!!"

Thursday, July 25, 2013

hey, girl, heyyyyy...

hi. hello. hola. hey. yo. 'sup. how you doin'.

it's been a while. a long while. nearly 4 months since I posted. Whoa!

where have I been? drinking pitchers of margaritas, eating fast food, making my girls top priority, welcoming husband back home from an 8 month deployment, getting back on my game! It gets crazy around here. And, it's shown on my waistline, err, thighs, arms...errrr'where!!

okay, enough pouting! I've been busy, busy enjoying life, focusing on our complete family, enjoying the view... ... ....

 I've continued running (duh), picked up an 8 week training plan, still going strong on 12 weeks of Les Mills Hybrid {les mills pump & les mills combat} to keep my ass moving. I'm on Week 10 of that program; Whew!! I've ran 2-3 half marathons since my last post. For the last couple of weeks, I've been pushing myself out of bed at 4AM, yep, 4.frigging.AM, to go RUN, to get those training miles in. Why so early? Well, husband heads off to work around 5:45-6. So, if I want a stress-free run (errr, not rushing to get dinner done, exhausted from the day,...), I figured, the earlier the better. It works, I'm out the door by 4:30ish and log in between 3-5 miles. Long Runs are for the weekends, and I'm still up EARLY to get it done before coming home to an awake house. Oh, I just recently (this past weekend) got a RAGNAR under my belt. It was AWESOME!! I joined 3 other MRTT ladies, for an adventure up North. I saw the CANADA Border Entrance!! I was runner #2 in Van #1, ran roughly 16 miles, picking up 2.40 miles from injured runner #3. I'm looking forward to MORE. Yep, relays are another level of running awesomeness!!

 I'd flood you with photo's but uhmm, I'm still trying to figure out what to share in the post. Just a catch up, I suppose. If your on FB, dailymile, IG (rosannarox), you'll notice my flood of FITNESS posts, runs, beachbody posts, my fitness pal,,,....and so on!! Told y'all I'm back on it. IT.IS.TOUGH, when you stop nursing (killer calorie burner//my secret tool) and gain weight. I didn't care at first, I should of. I should of stayed away from rita's and wendy's too. Hah! I gained pretty much every single pound I had lost post-pregnancy. Now, Serena is pushing 2 1/2, and I'm here busting my ass to lose that weight. GREAT! whatever, live, love & learn!

Have a fabulous day y'all!!

 "Don't wait to for inspiration to find you; BECOME IT!!"

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

tunesday hey!

Sundays 7 miler had M.I.A. On play. She kept me hype, kept me going, kept me jammin!

I've been a fan for years, I actually remember buying her album at a music store in Hawaii, while pregnant. I always blast music loud while driving, still do. So, blasting it on during a {long} run was just what I needed! BOOM!

bucky done gun

Outdoor run/walk: 3.95 miles!
Baby girl kicked out halfway through, we had glorious Washington weather.

#flexbreak after today's les mills combat HIIT POWER! whewww, got my ass kicked, literally! I love it!!

make it happen y'all!

"Don't wait to for inspiration to find you; BECOME IT!!"

Monday, April 8, 2013

Oh! Hey April,...

Hey. Hi. Hola. What's up. Good morning y'all!

Happy April: a NEW month, a SHORTER countdown to seeing our sailor!! It's getting real, with each passing day!! We are SO excited. And, Heyyyy,....I get my solo [worry-free] running time back!! WhooHoo!!

It's been a bit since I came on here, worries I've still been doing my thing. So. What's been going on,....

I shared this 'little' transformation {circa 2007-now}, it was also a 'little' boost for my slowly moving self. And, it definitely did the job!! Somedays, I still feel like that girl in 2007 (post baby #1), especially lately. With a weight gain, and no major rush to lose the lbs, so I keep saying. I don't focus on it too much and instead remind myself that I want to "go hard" post deployment, where I can juggle myself and not everything else too, doesn't mean I'm sitting around now. I lost my focus along the way, hell, I'm just TIRED!! I go through my moments, ultimately, I'm happy in my skin, confident with the extra weight. I'm just proud I'm not who I used to be, even with an extra 15lbs or so hanging around. That's more important to me than a number on the scale. My journey, My accomplishments, Myself. It's never-ending, I don't plan to reach a particular weight or size and stop. I'll keep running, lifting; fitness is apart of my lifestyle.

The Jelly Bean: I earned a fabulous medal for Run with Jess' virtual race, the jelly bean. Just a 'little' 5k on the treadmill. Hah. It's never 'easy' running on the treadmill. Lately, I've been sneaking in my runs during naptime. More manageable in my schedule, especially during spring break. I needed my time, my escape, taking back a little sanity. It's definitely rewarding!

5 by the 5th: A new month also meant completing this on going virtual race, hosted by Mommy, Run Fast. Which turned into the longest treadmill run, I pulled a Forrest Gump, just kept running up to 6 miles. whoa!! It was such an adrenaline rush. I gave myself some walking/hill intervals. Booty bouncing, legs flying, heart racing, sweat pouring; fabulous run!! It's pretty awesome to walk into the garage and into my own 'little' gym, my 'little' space, my 'little' escape. I miss the outdoors, hoping to get reacquainted this coming week! The pavement, the trails, the view, I want it all.

I ran, ran, ran all the last week. 1:1 ratio, every other day. And, my legs were loving it!! Seriously! I kept over thinking my stride, and pain, there was no pain! My knee got a wee bit tired during the long runs, soo, I'd ease off with walking intervals. I got 20 {amazing} miles this week, it was more about the miles though! It was about getting my booty back in gear, pushing through spring break and giving myself some "me" time! Successful!! Sundays run, was challenging, I wanted a LONG run, and kept focused!! 7 milesssssss, whooooo!! I've learned to loveeee the treadmill, I added some personal touches on the wall in front, my 'little' motivations.
It was tough, tough!! I'm on a mission to getting my legs readddyyyyyyy for the upcoming half on May 5th. In the meantime, I have a virtual {cherry blossom} half coming this weekend and then another #anywhere5k {run for rhodes} race. That's just 3 days of logging miles. Other than that, I'm just 'on the run'!!

MAY will bring just a few virtuals; 2nd year participating in the joggermom marathon, sparkle cupcake 10k race, #anywhere5k, and 2 {in real life} half marathons!!!

I've also got something awesome to share, SO excited!! Y'all keep on be lookout!!

Happy Monday!
make it happy y'all!

"Don't wait to for inspiration to find you; BECOME IT!!"

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

happy running

"Don't wait to for inspiration to find you; BECOME IT!!"

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tunesday! {rest day crafting}

impromptu rest day. Okay!
Spent the morning w/just my baby girl.
No running. No cleaning.
We cuddled. We crafted.
We danced. We chatted a lot.
We just hung out.

We bought these spice racks a few weeks ago from ikea (a Pinterest project on my list) and decided to assemble them before picking up Ailea from school. She was helpful, kept saying, "I do it, mama." And, so she did. During naptime, I got busy painting them.

And, after naptime, we set them up in their new spots. Ailea was so excited! Serena got her own too, just at her level and she picked the spot. I snuck one into my bathroom as a space saver for those hair products [other randoms]. Hello, counter, we meet again. Leanna said it was awesome when she came home from school. Super easy cute project.

During my Sunday Run, this bad boy came on play, oh so dirty but pushed me to go stronger. Hah! Here's a throwback! Oh, to be a youngbuck in the club,...early 2000's. whoa!

Monday, March 25, 2013

motivational Monday

Oh. Look at that girl, and this was before kids. {circa, oct 2005} I mean, I actually could of been a few weeks pregnant here, a little bit of bloating.

Still, I was at my heaviest before kids, in the 170s. Some days, I feel exactly like this girl. Huge! The old Rosanna!
Some days.

weekend wrap-up {#anywhere5k}

We had a fabulous {super} productive weekend! Lots of sunshine, too!

Friday, I got busaayyy during naptime, hopped on the treadmill! I mentions before how my IT band had been irritating me. So, I've spent the last week stretching and resting the legs. I had to test it and eased into my run, felt better while I was actually running, between speeds 6.6-7.3. Seems like longer faster strides help stretch it. While it felt great, my body wasn't cooperating, must be all the crap foods I ate. Yep, still trying to change my habits but not kicking myself into full gear. Blah, Blah. Intervals are always challenging to me but that's where my awesome playlist comes in "play"!! Whoo! I felt like a badass, and jumped off treadmill doing 50 deep squats. OUCH! what was I thinking!?!

3 miles done!

Saturday. Welcome, Spring Cleaning!
This 'spring cleaning' has been going on for a few weeks now! It hadn't reached the upstairs though. Well, it finally happened! And, it was crazy! I mean there's 3 bedrooms and a huge closet, errr, craft corner! There's still process to made in there. My quads were SO sore but the constant moving and going up/downstairs helped relive it a little!! Cleaning came to an end when I began babysitting 2 extra kiddos for a sleepover too. Well, I did hang clothes before I went to bed. Anyone else hang their race day tee and running tops!? My hangers about double because I certainly do! What!? I wear them way more than my normal tops! Race tees; are earned and I wear them proudly!

Sunday. {2nd annual #anywhere5k}
Another virtual challenge hosted by these folks. Another fabulous 5k run during naptime! And, it was pretty awesome. While I was getting my oldest took notice, next thing I see is that she is also dressed up in her running gear! She said, "while you run in the treadmill, I'll run on next to you on the ground. I want to workout and be string like you,...". I was smiling pretty dang big {super proud}, she's awesome! {lead by example}

I was email chatting with my husband, so he was kind of there with me. I'd reply during the walking intervals. It was slower than normal, however I wasn't aiming for a PR on the treadmill. Before I jumped on I foam rolled and there after, it feels good! My legs felt amazing!!

I showered, got dressed and ready and we then heard out for a park play date, followed by fro-yo, dinner and target. Once, we got home, bedtime routine started. I changed into running gear, I wanted MORE!! However, my leg didn't agree! And, I only got 2 MILES in! Better than nothing, I ran with my heart and pushed my legs!

It's Monday and I'm getting my foam rolling on, a little yoga. Then LIFTING AND a RUN!!

y'all get out there in whatever it is; make it happen! happy sweating!

Friday, March 22, 2013

fun fact Friday

another week down!
a week full of recovering, stretching, minimum running.
a week full of crazy random weather in the Pacific Northwest; sunshine, rain, hail, wind! Yep, we're sick too!
a week that officially welcomed a new season; Hello, Spring!

lets get this party started with our weekly random 10,..

1. I have quite a friends milspouses that have found their passion in running and lately have signed up for RACES!! makes me proud, and they'll be hooked! Of course, I share my running/racing adventures with them all. It was only a matter of time before they came over! :))))

2. I'll be starting half marathon training with 2 of those friends, once our men get home! They both signed up for their FIRST half; in August!! I'm super thrilled, and they both have praised me for the push and inspiration! Awesome!!

3. I finally got mytickets to a summer concert; new kids on the block with 98* and boyz II men! And, guess who's my date!? My husband!! I love me some old school pop! Old? Wow! Did I really just,....dang!

4. I'm a little burlap obsessed! I find the most unique ways to incorporate it into my crafts!! Same for twine!!

5. Favorite way to eat most of my veggies; ROASTED!! And, I love a crisp to them with trader joes garlic salt or sea salt. Yumm!!

6. Starbucks grande double dirty chai latte, at least once a week! ! There's days where I go super dirty, mama loves espresso!

7. Lately, I've daydreamed and dreamed of an ombré style. I'm not one for coloring my hair, I haven't since high school. My hair is so dark, and healthy, that's probably the reason I haven't done anything. However, I might surprise myself one day soon.

8. Booty smacking! Nothing sexual or violent, duh! A thing my husband does, randomly. It's like a sign of affection for him. {don't hate} And, my girls do the same! But it scares the bejezzus out of me, because that's 'his thing' and they've stole it and [randomly] continued it while he's been on deployment. Hahaha

9. Morning [daily] basics; moisturizer, mascara, concealer, Chapstick. Those are the LITTLE things that make a BIG difference in my day!! And, I sure do keep it the same on race days! Too each, their own.

10. Planking and blogging!! [Obviously, I'm on my phone.] I just did! And, no, I wasn't keeping time! Just going for it!! Multi-tasking, baby!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

st. paddy's half marathon {13in2013}

Can y'all believe this is #7 in the 13in2013 challenge!?
2nd half in real life; back 2 back halfs weekend!
And, it totally kicked my booty, literally.
My glutes are on FIYAHHH!

Let's get a race recap going,....

Friday, was my stretch [foam roll] this shiz out of my legs [IT band] day and we headed outdoors for some fun too; ice cream, pottery painting and park play. Hello, sunshine!

Saturday: {st. paddy's day run tacoma}
oh, another EARLY morning wakeup, 5AM wasn't so bad. (After having my iPhone screen broken, once again and waiting on a sleepless 6yr old to fall asleep, I fell asleep around midnight!) I got some more stretching in before waking the girls & getting them ready and loaded in. I sipped on coffee, and on Ezekiel toast w/pb, picked up another MRTT member to carpool with, dropped of girls at my friends place. And, off we went, 45 min drive wasn't bad at all! Sure, I was a little exhausted from the morning craziness but that's why they call me "super{runner}mama". I just keep going; make it happen. We got lucky rolling into the event location and finding a spot barely a block away, with nearly 30 minutes to spare!! We geared up; pinned bib, accessories on, stretched, bathroom break inside a warm pub!! Woohoo!! Made it to the start line and we were ready! It was gloomy and there was a 30% chance of rain. Fellow MRTT member told me she was sick all week and wanted to just walk it but as a marathoner, I knew she wouldn't.

Miles 1-5: I started off pretty steady, legs felt great, no IT pain whatsoever. I was happy but I was also feeling congested, my nose was a wee bit runny. We had been fighting sore throats this week. Ugh! So, breathing wasn't as easy, and I pushed through it. Mile 3, light rain started coming down and lingered around. Around mile 4, I had to really use the restroom, badly. And, it takes forever to get through a line. Luckily, there was a park with a few and I also stripped off layer and repined bib. Now, I was sporting the MRTT green {festive} tee,...'moms shamrock this town'. There went approx 15minutes and I never caught back up with the 2:30 pace leader. Whomp! Whomp!

Miles 6-9: once, I got back on the road, I realized I was amongst the 10k'rs, and they were hustlin', I picked up speed and was distinguished by my green bib as a half marathoner, when they did the 1/2 turn, I continued forward. Back to my world,..water station, fueled up and went on. Oh, hey,.....hills and the view along the water, uhhhhh-mazing!!! I love a good view and Washington offers it all. It makes me incredibly happy to be a girl from Texas, and exploring new places, all made possible via husband and his career in the NAVY!! I'm apart of an Elite group of women, the ones that EMBRACE their surroundings and enjoy the little things. I've been to Hawaii {paradise}, San Diego {city life}, Ridgecrest {desert town},.Washington continuously takes my breath away! Okay, back to running...

Miles 10-11: through the surrounding neighborhood, errrr, I mean hills and hills! My legs felt soooo heavy! At this point, I was trying to keep a steady jog uphill but found myself walking, and walking. I wanted to stop and stretch but kept pushing myself instead. I really wondered where in the world is the turn around,...aghh, downhill! I snapped a photo before I headed down slowly. My knees were feeling the hills, they were pretty beat at this point. Yep, no fun!

Mile 12: forever long, forever. And, I completely forgot the up hills that we went down on from the start line. I took walking intervals and again wanted to stop to stretch but it was MILE 12, no way!! There were others walking along the uphills too, I could feel the rush coming over the last hill, and I wanted to sprint so badly. I think my face had more of a "finish strong" look than my legs did. I.just.kept.going. Whoaaaa

Finished {heavily} Strong: 13.1 miles in 2:49:22!!!!

Grabbed a medal and stretch over in a squat while they cut off the time chip off my shoe. I stayed stretched over while the guy, congratulated me and repeatedly said, "way to go, you did it.", while giving me a smile and pat on the back. I sure did, I was proud, this mama, this girl, this runner completed back 2 back half-marathons!! It wasn't about setting PR's, the medals, the swag, becoming a half fanatic, {okay, a little} it was the rush, the effort, the push for myself, my inner soul needed this. I was overwhelmed, this passion was burning throughout me, I set out a goal and I crushed it!! {insert smile and tears} I found my friend at the finish line shortly after, and we chatted about the race experience, she did good too, around 2:35, not bad for being under the weather. We loaded back up for the drive and I made a pit stop for some fast food from 'sonic', it's one of those places I love! I snuck in quick shower before picking up my girlies. Even though my body felt a little beat up, I took my girls to the park to enjoy the sunshine, and afterwards got busy with an [early] dinner; fish tacos. And a corinarita for my post-race celebratory drink. Yummaayyy!!

Stand out songs: maclamore's 'can't hold us', cali swag districts 'teach me
How to dogie' and Flo rida's 'in the Ayer'.
Add them to your playlist; go!

What's next?
the jelly bean virtual race hosted by run with jess.
Squatting. Boxing. Spinning.
Kettlebelling. Bosu-ng. Yoga-ng ... .... ...
Running; squeezing in long runs.
April: backwards 1 miler & 10k
Next Half Marathon(s): May 5 & May 23!

Hope y'all had an active weekend!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Just can't get enough of this song from Macklemore!! yall know the guy, with his catchy 'thrift shop' song! This one kept pushing during Saturdays half (slowly working on a recap)!

"So, we put our hands like the ceiling can't hold us..."

"Don't wait to for inspiration to find you; BECOME IT!!"

Friday, March 15, 2013

fun fact fridayyyy

Hey y'all!
It's Friday and there's sunshine out here!
I've been stretching like crazy for the last 24 hrs, my IT band is not my friend! I kind of need it for tomorrow's st. paddy's half marathon. Ugh!

Lets get in another random 10,
about yours truly. Here goes it...

1. Squats while listening to ludacris, how low, is how you do it.

2. I'm ready for spring/summer, mostly because I have the cutest heels, and I want to wear them!

3. I'm always adding workout gear, notorious for tops and running bottoms. You can never have too much, like shoes!

4. Boy meets world! I still watch it,...and I want to see the new series they are planning. I love Corey!! {swoon}

5. Homemade Pizza is a weekly favorite. I make a whole wheat crust, and veggie load it. It's Sooo goooddd!!!

6. My girls are 2, 3 and oldest will have summer birthdays, so, 2, 4, and 7. They keep growing!

7. I have 2 tattoos, on the inside of my wrists, my oldest daughters names. I often forget that they are there. It was an impulse moment and I love them. When people realize them, they immediately ask where is my 3rd tattoo going? Uhmm, good question.

8. crossfit!?! Oh, I can't wait. As anxious as I am to see my husband, I'm even more anxious for new adventures in my fitness journey!!

9. I've been on a house {projects} makeover! Each room is getting spruced up with new looks and additions!! It's a passion, home decorating!

10. Sweet Tea, please!! I haven't made it in months and its all I've been thinking about lately. It's the southern in me!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

just run

when folks just run to run; no virtual miles to log for races or training miles, just running because you love the high, the thrill, the burn,.....simply running!

It's been awesome to get back into that! I'll admit it, I got side-tracked with virtual races. It was a different [easy] approach to still racing and earning bling, also supporting a good cause. Obviously, I still felt like I "raced" during this deployment madness, and juggling 3 kids. That's swindled down, I'm looking at 'on the road' races to register for. I do have 2 upcoming virtuals, that I had already registered for. And, continuing to participate in the #anywhere5k challenges. Other than that, I'm this morning I'll be squeezing in a [timed] run with my baby girl before babysitting a friends kiddo.

I've also had happy mail with running [casual] tees, shoes and other randomness. I've been pretty consistent in running, dropped a program and trying to start a new routine. No challenges other than keeping active. And, I'm happy with that.

Do y'all run for the run or on the bling-earning bandwagon? I was happy to fall off. Haha

Monday, March 11, 2013

lake sammamish half {13in2013}

first [in real life] half marathon for 2013.
half marathon #6 for the 13 in 2013 challenge.
first road trip with a few fabulous MRTT runners.
{weekend wrap-up}

{Friday} a ferry ride to Seattle, started this awesome weekend. It was a glorious day, the sun was shining by the time we got to the packet pick-up location. I was also picking up 2 other packets, for the other mother runners, that were going. We made a detour to ikea before the drive back home, finally picking up a few items for an upcoming project. We got a surprise, my brother arrived a day early!! He was flying in from the carrier, off from deployment, he detached and has orders to SoCal. My girls were SO excited to welcome their uncle back to the USA!! They were all over him, a bit overwhelming for him, I'm sure!

{Saturday} Lake Sammamish Half Marathon
Race day; up EARLY, 4:30! After the morning chaos, and loading of 3 cranky girls, we headed to my friends house, she babysat the girls during my FIRST half marathon, last July. And, is awesome watching my girls. I met up at my friends house, where we'd get together and carpool to the ferry. This was a location, I hadn't been to, so I was happy that we made plans to go together. Ferry loaded at 6:25, after some driving, we arrived at the race location, about 8:00. Got geared up, bathroom break, tried to warm-up, it was COLD!! And, once we crossed the start line, we each went into our own 'running' world.

Mile 1-6: the course was flat, surprisingly, Washington is known for its 'hillish' routes. I was completely stretched at mile 4. I got to mile 5, and realized I needed a bathroom break, my body wanted to instantly stop but I pushed through it. Once, I finally spotted a porta-potty and the long line, I kept going. I'm not going to lie, I hit several spots where I was speeding and zig zagging my way ahead of folks and I felt like a total badass because I wasn't burnt out. I paced though. No knee pain. I was over the moon!! A lot to through your mind when you're running for over an hour...with more miles and time ahead.

Miles 6-8: I took a few walking breaks, around miles 6-8. My feet went numb, and I had to stretch a little. I even took off a layer, because the fog finally burned off and the sun was shining. The trail was mostly gravel, some paved areas. We ran alongside some houses that had lake fronts. It was absolutely beautiful. I day-dreamed, yessss while running, about never moving from this amazing state and owning a house like those.
Miles 9-11: are we there yet? Seriously!? Mile 10 had us running alongside the roadways, I actually ran the entire time, passing several folks that decided to walk. I suppose, this is the kind of running I can concentrate with the most. Just the music and the pavement ahead, I was in a zone. Mile 11 had us back on a trail, heading into the Lake Sammamish State Park. Once again, burst of energy and passing folks. I was eater for the finish line!! Woohoo!! I had Drakes 'started from the bottom' song on replay to push me! It gets annoying but it definitely had me pushing!

Mile 12: longest.mile.ever. {Young the Giant- body on replay for the finish} it was a busy park day, finishers along the trail cheering us on, Families spending time at the park, errr...or waiting for their finisher, the shuttle buses leaving back to start location. Yep, luckily, we didn't have to loop back! The zig zagging felt like the longest time, but I knew the finish line was somewhere over that tree area. The fact that I couldn't see it, was probably a good thing. The last stretch was right along the lake, I was overwhelmed with emotions; fabulous weather, amazing view, garmin watch time was setting a PR,......"my body tell me no but I won't quit, Cuz i want more, I want more..." The finish line never looked sweeter, my music was blasting and I was smiling and holding back tears of awesomeness!! It totally kicked my ass, I kicked ass and was on an amazing runners high!!

Finished Strong: 13.1 miles in 2:30:56!!!
I caught up with the 2 other mother runners and we chatted about our run, each of us setting PR's!! Pretty exciting, considering this was a flat course, which I learned was a BIG DEAL! We snapped photos, refueled and each purchased a shirt from Run Pretty Far, fabulous items. I knew I was going to jump into my shirt, to pair with my celebratory drink, sangria!! We made our way to the shuttle, car drive to ferry, ferry ride back to meeting location. It was 3pm, I rushed home to steal a shower before picking up my girls. Then, back home to cook up a spaghetti dinner; yummmayyy!! After, putting the girls to bed and cleaning the dinner mess, I finally sat down, more sangria, movie night with my brother.

{Sunday} active recovery. Ouch.
I rolled, literally, out of bed around 8am.
After a little bit of lounging, watching Wreck it Ralph.
I decided to get busy in the garage, the fact that my either was leaving Monday morning too. I wanted to relocate the treadmill into the garage. And, complete the garage gym. Err, I mean, clean the garage. Even, getting the car loaded with a hefty goodwill donation. I spent a few hours and it sure did help relieve the soreness, a little sangria helped too. It looks amazing now!! And, I've still got some clearing/trashing of toys and junk. It should be cleared out by the time husband returns. We finally have a homecoming date, finally!! I'm SO happy he will be home to celebrate half-marathon #3, we've already got a BBQ and margaritas planned post-race, his mom will be in town too. Such exciting news to a running-super active-filled weekend!!

Friday, March 8, 2013

fun fact Friday

Hey y'all!!

It's been a while, Let's get another random 10 in!!

1. Mama wants muscles!! I've got some bulging biceps and have been working on my TRICEPS lately.

2. My latest wardrobe color collection is FABULOUS!!

3. Homecoming = Runnning
Solo running, husband has been on deployment for almost 6 months, only a coupleeee of weeks left! Superrrr ANXIOUS over herrreeeee!!

4. I am shoe addict; flats, running, boots,...all over them! I've recently bought 4 pairs of sporting shoes!

5. I tend to forget that taking the ferry to Seattle (surrounding cities) is 'faster' that driving. Like, for today's drive to pick up race packet. One hour ferry ride, and 20 minute drive to location vs. the 1:30 drive. I don't mind the drive, Washington has spectacular views!!

6. I'll admit it, I've gained roughly 15 lbs since last winter, there were a few factors involved and you know what, I'm okay with it. Don't get me wrong, I'm battling to lose them but I'm not in a rush or stressing.

7. I've gotten my creative juices flowing, once again. Yep! I've been keeping busy lately, with fun fabulous projects. And, there's many more to complete before homecoming. This week: fabric spring wreath, painting/sprucing up a piece of furniture in our entry way, adding chevron to it, {back into the sewing projects}, ribbon hairbands and spring couch pillow covers (zippers included). Whoo!!!

8. I almost cry, lately, when people ask, "how old are my 2 girls?" I sadly reply, "uhmm, 2 and 3." Two toddlers,'s get crazy wild daily!

9. I've become a Scentsy and Thirty-One addict!! I've been a happy customer to my friends Scentsy orders! After, a hefty order from a recent Thirty-One party, I'm hosting my first party during spring break; Muffins & Mimosas! They're spring prints are fabulous!!

10. Chevron-polka dot-owl-anchors- stripes-...obsessed!!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

{5 by the 5th} #3/6

Happy March y'all!
A new month means, another 5 by the 5th virtual race.
And, I went with a spontaneous 5k.

{Monday} I woke up to a pee on laundry room floor, crazy dog!! Uhmm, this wasn't exactly my idea of a great morning start. Ehhh, I got busy cleaning, and I mean cleaning! I didn't stop until I noticed sunshine and then got in contact with a friend, who said she'd be running. I loaded my girls in the double jogger and met up with her and another gal for a park playdate, which turned into my warm-up. The sun was shining, kids were playing/exploring and we were chatting.

We parted ways, and I decided to RUN {runch = lunch run} And, headed the opposite way, tackling an uphill route. We spotted a mama and baby deer along the way, snapped a photo. Whewww, pushing/running with the double jogger is a major challenge and I kept at it! We got a 5k done! Whoop! Whoop!

Finished Strong; 3.13 in 43:07!

{Tuesday} I planned a run with a new running mama, I got there a little early and after some stretching, started to run. We got a mile in before she showed up with her little one. We walked mostly, and stopped to let the kids play.

Finished strong; 3.34 miles in 1:04.

{Wednesday} active rest day! I got some yoga in with a little foam rolling. And craft store shopping, fabulous project underway!!

{Thursday} today, I decided to shake my legs up. Baby girl and I headed out to the trail, she was cranky!! We took on some hills, speed intervals, and fabulous gloomy weather! I walked along the wood trails, as they were slippery! I kept thinking, how much I'd miss my little monsters during Saturdays trip up north for the Lake Sammamish half marathon. At the same time, I was excited because they'd want to hear all about it!! Plus, my brother is coming into town the same day, so we get to celebrate that too! He recently, became a first time daddy to a precious baby girl. He's been on deployment, same as my husband. And, will be finally settling into shore duty, new family, new state, new duty station, new baby, new beginnings. I'm so proud and excited for him!! Our family is always growing, I'm the oldest of 10 siblings!!
I currently have 3 nephews and 5 nieces and then there's my 3 girls! Wow!

Back to the running; this was the last run before the half marathon this weekend! I might spin them out tomorrow.

Finished strong; 2.16 miles in 31:10!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Barking Mad for Breast Cancer {13in2013}

{virtual} Half Marathon #5 is in the books y'all!

It didn't quite go as I had planned, I wanted to run it at one time. ahh well. There's always next time, like April's Virtual.

I dedicated this weeks running miles to a good cause that's dear to my heart. Barking Mad about Running hosted this virtual race.

Monday; jumped on the treadmill, it was by far challenging, and the longest I've ran on it since it joined the family. I pushed and pushed and pushed myself. Especially, since I had ran 6 miles the day before. I ran for an entire hour, and had a lot of things on my mind. I've made a lot of changes recently and have been defeated in a few things. It was the perfect opportunity for a major switch up, in all things fitness. I'm excited.
Finished Strong; 4.45 miles in 60 minutes

Wednesday; after a wonderful rest day, morning meetup at Joann's to pick out fabric for an upcoming {wreath project} craft play date! I set out Wednesday for a LONG [outdoor] RUN! I dropped off my girls at a friends house, about 20 minutes late and tried to make the best of the clock! I ran the usual routes but in the opposite way. HILLS, still got me but i was tackling them!! There was sunshine, just perfect!! I covered it all, pavement, trails, mud,....evergreen trees all around. I love Washington state!

Finished Strong; 7.06 miles in 1:28:05

Thursday; today was definitely a fabulous fitness-filled day! Started off with stroller strides, wheww!! Then, I got busy during naptime, jumping on the treadmill. I was a little sore from SS and yesterday's 7 miler, so I went comfortable. I have myself a few speed intervals, Britney's spears and cheered me on.

Finished Strong; 2.01 miles in 27:03

I earned myself a fabulous medal to hang with the 2013 bling.

{Half Fanatics}
I'm eager and excited to run my first 2013 [Half-Marathon] road race next weekend (3/9) and then another the following (3/16) that's right, becoming an official half fanatics member!! MAJOR RUNNERS HIGH! The bling is SUPER FABULOUS but I'm more excited about the course, the views will be AMAZING/UNFORGETTABLE!!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Make it happen!

Happy Monday!!

Get to moving; Get to lifting; Get to squatting; Get to beachbodyn' it; Get to running; get after it y'all!