From Weight-Loss to Running; Fitness Journey of a Busy Mama to 3

Friday, October 5, 2012

Runner's Rant!

It's been a fabulous fitness-filled morning! Les Mills Pump called for a WALK!

I loaded snacks, fresh apples we picked yesterday evening, into the double jogger and headed out on the pavement as soon as Leanna went off to school, 9AM! The weather has been absolutely amazing, I couldn't stay indoors!! We started with a warm-up and once we got on the road, I made my way into some "easy" running, Whew!! I had to continuously remind myself, to take it EASY, especially running uphill. Stupid Knee, Impatient Runner. Yeah, Yeah! 
Once, I got to flat grounds, I picked up the pace and we made our way to 2 MILES!! There were a few other Runners and Walkers too. The girls stayed in content and playing peek-a-boo with each other. I had my music on blast, can't go wrong with No Doubt!!
We took a [bumpy] hike towards the lake. It's such an amazing view from every which way you turn, sun shine shining through, squirrels running around the trees, birds chirping. So calm and I needed that, I really did. I needed to push my energy into something positive. 
[Happy Girls enjoying the view]
[Feeling FABULOUS; Day 4 of NO COFFEE!!]
  After a walk around the lake, I made a stop on this bench and got busy with some PUSH-UPS & TRICEP DIPS; 5 sets of 10 for each. Because there's no excuses when you have fabulous weather, kids and the great outdoors! Take advantage and make it happen! I was hurting after 2 miles and a hike down to the lake; it's worth it, making my way to my fitness goals!! 
 After this Mama got her workout in, baby girIs enjoyed some park time, and the fabulous weather!! After naptime, we are heading back out with all 3 girls in tow, to start logging in MILES for the KID RUN THIS TOWN Challenge!! And, picking Blackberries!! 

"Don't wait to for inspiration to find you; BECOME IT!!"

1 comment:

  1. That looks divine! Beautiful weather, beautiful children, beautiful you!It looks like you managed to turn it into a real positive.
