From Weight-Loss to Running; Fitness Journey of a Busy Mama to 3

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Super Saturday Adventures!

Hello, September!!

It went a little something like this, got woken up by the girls at 7AM, they had stolen my phone and were on netflix, that's why my 6:30 alarm didn't wake me. Grr!!

Husband called ONE LAST TIME, from his cell phone to tell us he loved us and he will see us in a few months. They leave the USA and head out to the big blue sea.I then got busy with the morning routine, brushing teeth, diaper for baby girls, breakfast, Early AM Workout, like I mentioned I either get up EARLY before they do, go during naptime or when they are in bed. I have to give my workouts 100%!!

While, they ate breakfast, I decided to hop on the Wii scale; DOWN 2.9 lbs since the Monday weigh-in. Husband and I weighed in before we took him to the ship. Hello, 161!!

I then headed out to get [some] of the birthday food items for tomorrow and on a huge spur of the moment went on the hunt for a hair salon that had immediate availability for a walk-in. I needed it BAD and decided today was the day! Felt GREAT to get some length off; this SuperMama has been on the go, go go. We still have to head back out after naps.
  I am loving my new Fabulous Do'!! 
Happy Saturday Y'all!
"Don't wait to for inspiration to find you; BECOME IT!!"

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