From Weight-Loss to Running; Fitness Journey of a Busy Mama to 3

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day 29; Working out ANYWHERE!

Do you workout at home or at the gym?

From my living room routines to my bedroom for a Spin to the GYM for TM Runs to the great outdoors.

 I can do it anywhere! 

Like today during bootcamp, we dropped down to the ground for push-ups, got up to the picnic tables to tricep dips, and walked around the lake.

Tomorrow, I'll be grabbing my weight bar and weights from under my coach to get my lifting on with Les Mills Pump.

I can squeeze in a few miles outdoors. Or, I can walk around the corner to the gym, but it get's a little crazy with 3 super active girls (baby girl being a climber). 

If, I don't get a run in, I can go upstairs to my bedroom for some Sweaty Spinning!

a n y w h e r e; make it happen, get it done!

"Don't wait to for inspiration to find you; BECOME IT!!"

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